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Song of Joy…The Bride of Christ

Apple of Her Daddy’s Eye.

Mommy of Seven…Mother to All

Obedient to Jesus’ Call.

Tree of Life…Bears Fruit in Season

Rooted Deep in God the Reason.

Adventurous…Abundant Life

Because She learned how to Abide.

A death to Self…A Sweet Surrender

Changed Her Course of Life Forever.

She Said Yes…Put Boots on Ground

Now Dressed in White & Heaven Bound!

The Theme of Carly’s Life & Story

Is A Prayer…God, “For Your Glory!”

Every Language, Tribes, & Nations

Infinite Love on All the Stations.

Red, Yellow, Black & White…

All Beloved in Her Sight.

“Let me see them like You Do,

Dear God, so I can Love All Too!”

Every Level…Rich & Poor

Love Wins the Battles..& The War.

“Jesus, Love them All through me…”

She prays naked…on her knees.

Carly’s Heart & Soul laid bare

Before the Throne of God in Prayer.

So He did it, did it Good

It Happened “just the way it should.”

The Lonely, Broken…the down & out

They felt Her Love, without a doubt.

You will see…as Time Unfolds

Carly Loves YOU…Young & Old!

Nothing Separates from Love

Heavenly Unity…descends like a Dove

Glory To God…of All Heaven’s Lights

Sin is Forgiven…Walk Straight, Fly Right!

Let Your Inner Light Shine True…

Do what You were Born To Do!

Live Your Best Life…ReWrite Your Story

Then Open Your Mouth & Give Him the Glory!

Be Bold with Your Supernatural

Humbly Serve…Lead by Example.

It’s Time for Us to Rule & Reign

Along with All who bear his Name.

If we acknowledge Christ is King

Then we should Live Like Royalty!

Generous & Rich in Spirit

A Song that lifts up All who hear it.

Carly Speaks in Love & Power

She waters seeds to make them flower.

Her Love is a Fire…Explodes like a Bomb

Welcome to Her Heart…

New Music & Songs

“For Your Glory” ✨

Preview Her Outdoor Acoustic Version…Carly’s Highly Anticipated Gospel Song: “For Your Glory” ✨

“Aisle of Trees”

Carly Envisions The Heavenly Wedding, in her Happy Ending Ballad: “Aisle of Trees” Put on your Best Sound System, or a pair of your favorite headphones & go for a hike outside…as you Unite With Christ in The Deepest Part of Your Heart 😊🙏🕊️💖✨
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock!”

Tune Me to Love

Let Jesus In. 💕 Let Him Love You ✨

When you Feel His Love draw you in close…Open Your Heart to Love…A Perfect Love…A Love that fills you up So Full…that you don’t even have an appetite for anything less than Him. He Loves Us…So. So. So. Much.🌹🌈🌤️🌎💐🕊️💖✨

Carly still Loves to sing with her Daddy

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Music is composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, or as an entertainment product for the marketplace.